Deep cleaning your home can seem daunting, especially if you don’t know where to start. However, with a little bit of planning and organization, cleaning your home can be a manageable and even enjoyable activity. 

In this blog post, we will discuss how to clean your house room by room, providing you with a comprehensive guide to keeping your home clean and tidy. 

From the bedroom to the dining room to the home office, we will cover daily, weekly, monthly, and deep cleaning tasks to help you maintain a clean and comfortable living space. These home cleaning tips are sure to help!

So, let’s get started on the journey to a cleaner and more organized home!

Cleaning Supplies

Of course, these home cleaning tips won’t do you any good if you don’t have the right cleaning supplies. To successfully clean your home, you’ll need the following supplies: 

  • All-purpose cleaner: An all-purpose cleaner is a versatile cleaning solution that you can use to clean various surfaces in your home, such as countertops, appliances, and floors. Choosing an all-purpose cleaner that is safe for the surfaces you are cleaning and doesn’t leave any residue behind is important.
  • Glass cleaner: Glass cleaner is specifically designed to clean glass surfaces without leaving streaks or residue behind. It’s perfect for cleaning windows, mirrors, and glass tabletops. When using a glass cleaner, it’s important to use a lint-free cloth or paper towel to avoid leaving fibers on the surface.
  • Disinfectant spray or wipes: Disinfectant spray or wipes are essential for killing germs and bacteria in your home. They are especially important for high-touch surfaces, such as doorknobs, light switches, and countertops. When using disinfectant products, it’s important to follow the instructions on the label to ensure they are used correctly.
  • Microfiber cloths: Microfiber cloths are great for cleaning surfaces without leaving streaks or scratches. They are also reusable and can be washed and used again. Microfiber cloths work well for dusting, wiping down surfaces, and cleaning up spills.
  • Sponges: Sponges are versatile cleaning tools you can use for various cleaning tasks. They are great for scrubbing dishes, wiping down countertops, and cleaning bathrooms. It’s important to replace sponges regularly to avoid bacteria buildup.
  • Scrub brushes: Scrub brushes are great for tough cleaning tasks, such as scrubbing grout or cleaning stovetops. They come in various shapes and sizes, so choosing the right brush for the task is important.
  • Broom and dustpan: A broom and dustpan are essential for sweeping up dirt and debris from floors. They are especially useful for hard floors, such as tile or hardwood.
  • Vacuum cleaner: A vacuum cleaner is essential for cleaning carpets, area rugs, and upholstery. Choosing a vacuum cleaner with the right attachments for the surfaces you will be cleaning is important.
  • Mop and bucket: A mop and bucket are essential for cleaning hard floors, such as tile or hardwood. It’s important to choose a mop that is safe for the surface you will be cleaning and a bucket that is the right size for your mop.
  • Rubber gloves: Rubber gloves are important for protecting your hands while cleaning. They are especially useful for tasks that involve harsh chemicals or hot water. Choosing gloves that fit well and are comfortable to wear is important.

Depending on the specific cleaning task, you may also need additional supplies. For example, you may need a special cleaner if you have hardwood floors. You may need a pet hair remover tool if you have a pet. It’s always a good idea to check the label of your cleaning products to ensure they are safe to use on the surfaces you clean.

Room-by-Room Cleaning Guide


You’ll want to wipe down your countertops and stovetop after each use, along with washing dishes/loading your dishwasher and sweeping the floor. 

You’ll want to do the following things weekly:

  • Clean the stovetop, oven, and microwave.
  • Wipe down the refrigerator and freezer.
  • Clean the sink and faucet.
  • Wipe down cabinets and drawers.
  • Clean the dishwasher.

You’ll want to complete these cleaning tasks every month:

  • Clean the range hood and exhaust fan.
  • Clean the garbage disposal.
  • Clean the oven and broiler.
  • Clean the refrigerator coils.
  • Empty and clean the pantry.


Daily tasks include the following:

  • Wipe down the sink and countertop after each use.
  • Clean the toilet bowl with a brush and disinfectant cleaner.
  • Wipe down the shower walls and floor after each use.
  • Hang up towels and the bath mat to dry.

Your weekly cleaning tasks should include the following:

  • Clean the sink, countertop, and faucet.
  • Clean the shower and bathtub.
  • Clean the toilet bowl, seat, and lid.
  • Clean the mirrors and windows.
  • Sweep or vacuum the floor.

Every month, you should:

  • Clean the showerhead.
  • Clean the grout and tile.
  • Wash the shower curtain and liner.
  • Clean the exhaust fan and vent.
  • Clean the medicine cabinet and drawers.


If you want to enjoy being in your bedroom, you’ll want to make your bed, clean up clothing and clutter, dust surfaces, and sweep or vacuum.

Every week, you’ll want to clean the following areas:

  • Wash and change the bedding.
  • Dust and wipe down the furniture.
  • Vacuum or sweep under the bed and in corners.
  • Clean mirrors and windows.
  • Wipe down light switches and doorknobs.

On a monthly basis, you’ll want to:

  • Clean the ceiling fan and light fixtures.
  • Dust and clean blinds or curtains.
  • Vacuum or wash throw rugs.
  • Clean and organize closets and drawers.
  • Wash pillows and comforters.

Living Room

If you want to keep your living room looking spiffy, fluff your pillows and cushions, clean up clutter, keep everything in its place, dust, and vacuum. 

Then, weekly, complete these cleaning tasks:

  • Vacuum or dust upholstered furniture.
  • Dust and wipe down hard surfaces, including coffee tables, end tables, and shelves.
  • Clean mirrors and windows.
  • Vacuum or sweep under furniture and in corners.
  • Wipe down light switches and doorknobs.

Complete these tasks once a month:

  • Dust and clean blinds or curtains.
  • Vacuum or wash throw rugs.
  • Clean and organize the entertainment center and shelves.
  • Clean and dust lamps and lampshades.
  • Dust and clean decorative items, such as picture frames and vases.

Dining Room

Of course, you’ll want to wipe down your table, put away dishes, and sweep the floor daily. 

Weekly cleaning tasks should include the following: 

  • Dust and wipe down the table and chairs.
  • Clean the tablecloth or placemats.
  • Clean the china cabinet or buffet.
  • Sweep or vacuum under the table and chairs.
  • Wipe down light switches and doorknobs.

Monthly cleaning tasks should include the following:

  • Clean the chandelier or light fixture.
  • Dust and clean blinds or curtains.
  • Clean and polish silverware and serving dishes.
  • Clean and dust decorative items, such as picture frames and vases.
  • Sweep or vacuum the corners and baseboards.

Home Office

On a daily basis, you’ll want to put away out-of-place items, wipe down your desk and keyboard, empty the trash, and sweep or vacuum.

Every week, you’ll want to complete the following cleaning tasks:

  • Dust and wipe down surfaces, including the desk, shelves, and filing cabinets.
  • Clean the computer screen and other electronics.
  • Clean the chair and any other upholstered furniture.
  • Sweep or vacuum under the desk and in corners.
  • Wipe down light switches and doorknobs.

Then, you’ll want to clean the following every month:

  • Dust and clean blinds or curtains.
  • Clean and organize the filing system.
  • Clean and dust decorative items, such as picture frames and vases.
  • Sweep or vacuum the corners and baseboards.
  • Clean and organize bookshelves.

Deep Cleaning

In addition to weekly and monthly cleaning, some cleaning chores don’t need to be done often, but they need to be thorough when they are done. Those cleaning tasks are often referred to as deep cleaning.

When it comes to deep cleaning, we recommend going through the following list for your home:

In every room:

  • Move furniture and vacuum or sweep under and behind it
  • Deep clean carpets or rugs
  • Wipe down walls and baseboards
  • Clean windows and window sills
  • Clean and polish wood furniture

In your bathroom:

  • Clean the grout and tile with a scrub brush
  • Clean the inside of the toilet bowl and tank
  • Clean the sink and bathtub drains
  • Clean the shower door tracks
  • Clean the windows and window sills

Completing these deep cleaning tasks will help keep your home at its cleanest, providing a clean and enjoyable environment for you and your family. 

Have Daisy Maids Clean for You! 

We hope this guide to cleaning your home has been helpful and informative. However, knowing how to clean your house and having the time for it are entirely different things. We understand that not everyone has the time or energy to keep up with all the cleaning tasks involved in maintaining a clean home. 

That’s where Daisy Maids comes in. Our team of professional cleaners can take care of all your home cleaning needs, leaving you with more time to focus on the things you love. Call us at 801.895.7239 to schedule a cleaning and say goodbye to the stress and hassle of cleaning your home. And don’t forget to check out our blog for more home cleaning tips and tricks!